This video provides an update on all of the active long trade ideas on Right Side Of The Chart plus several other potential trades along with a discussion of asset allocation & navigating the current market environment. Requires Silver or Gold level access.
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As this video runs longer than usual, one can skip ahead to the following trade ideas or topics which are covered in this order:
- The unusual recent market environment in 2018 whereby cash has outperformed nearly all other asset classes
- Some notable developements along with the performance of various types of fixed income (bonds)
- Comprehensive analysis on the bond market starting with an update on the TLT (Treasury bond ETF) active trade followed by analysis of other bond ETFs such as LQD (corporate bonds), JNK (junk or high-yield bonds) & MUB (municipal bonds)
- Analysis on precious metals starting with the GLD (gold ETF), GDX (gold miners ETFs) & PPLT (platinum ETF) active trades followed by analysis of the palladium ETF, PALL
- A brief discussion of the some of the recent price action in the general commodities arena followed by an update on the SGG (sugar ETN) active trade