This video provides an update & the outlook for all active trade ideas on Right Side Of The Chart at this time as well as a couple of potential trade setups. Also discussed are some general trading strategies & considerations on aligning one’s swing trading with the near-term outlook & trend of the broad market. The video duration can be reduced by increasing the playback speed in the video setting as well as skipping ahead to any particular trades which are covered in the following order:

AOBC, OMI*, OREX*, CORN, ENDP, GE, IEF, JJG, SOXX, SPY, UGAZ**, XLE & XOP*** followed by some quick comments on GLD & GDX (which are not trade ideas at this time)

*OMI & OREX are two trade ideas that I triggered price alerts this morning just before & while the video was being record, both are unofficial trade ideas at this time.
**UGAZ was recent stopped out but may be added back as another official long trade idea soon.
*** XOP is also an unofficial trade idea closely related to the XLE Active Long Trade.