/NQ (Nasdaq 100 futures) is backtesting the recently broken 60-mine uptrend line from below while the negative divergences continue to build. The minimum pullback target remains 8123 with a likely target of the 8040-8050 support zone.
The divergences on /ES continue to build while still pending the next sell signals of breaks below the 60-min uptrend lines on SPY & QQQ to trigger the drop to my 3023ish minimum pullback target.
/ZB reversed off the target (resistance) of 159’003 yesterday and has put in a marginal new & divergent (bullish) low offering the next objective long entry here at the significant Sept 13th major reaction low. 60-minute & daily charts below. (TLT is the comparable ETF for the 30-year Treasury Bond).
- ZB 60m Nov 7th
- ZB daily Nov 7th
I’ve modified some of the trendlines on /GC gold to reflect the most recent price action. Gold is currently trading at potential uptrend support as well as the 1480-1485 support zone with any marginal new low soon to be a divergent low.