/ES (S&P 500 futures) has broken down below the 60-minute bearish rising wedge with that sell signal to either be confirmed (most likely) or foiled after the 2 pm FOMC announcement today. Horizontal lines are potential downside targets.

ES 60m June 16th

ES 60m June 16th

/NQ (Nasdaq 100) sell signal is still pending a breakdown below this 60-minute rising wedge pattern.

NQ 60m June 16th

NQ 60m June 16th

/RTY (Russell 2000 small-cap index) is currently testing the 2305 target following the recent trendline break/sell signal with the next sell signal to come on a solid break below it, ideally after the FOMC announcement.

RTY 60m June 16th

RTY 60m June 16th