This is a follow-up to Wednesday’s Earnings Trade Setups & Trading Tips video. In that recent video, I had scrubbed through a long list of stocks that were scheduled to report earnings on Wednesday March 8th, narrowing it down to a list of 20 stocks that appeared to have clearly bullish or bearish chart patterns.

The purpose of that video was two-fold: First, to provide a list of actionable trade ideas with the additional benefit that all of those stocks will have just reported earnings, thereby allowing a swing trader to establish a position without having to make the tough decision as whether or not to hold that position into an earnings report for another 3 months. Secondly, I wanted to use actual examples, in advance in order to eliminate any hindsight analysis, to illustrate how more often than not, the direction in which is stock is likely to move following its quarterly earnings report is not merely random, rather fairly predictable but only when the charts are clearly bullish or bearish preceding a company’s earnings announcement & forward guidance.

This video does a follow-up on all 20 stocks that were predicted to either have a positive or negative reaction to their earnings announcement & any forward guidance released on Wednesday with 10 (50%) of the stocks clearly moving in the direction as expected, many of those posting double-digit gains (or losses on those expected to fall) since then, only 2 stocks (4%) moving against the expected post-earnings direction (and both by a relatively small margin) with the remaining 8 stocks either roughly flat (no significant reaction or price movement following earnings).