Be advised that although the current momentum in the market is strong and we have some (but not all) major indices making new highs, some of the largest sectors in the market (S&P 500) are at key multi-year resistance (XLF & XLE) or in a precarious technical posture (XLK).  While a solid breakout above those resistance levels would be a bullish technical event, trading 101 says “Buy support and sell resistance”.  While I’m not advising anyone to short the market (as I can not and do not offer investment advice on this site, just my opinion of things), I will say that one should consider that the odds fake-outs (false breakout or breakouts that fail shortly after triggering) are increased.  I just wanted to share that as I’ve posted quite a few new long setups lately, as I mentioned recently that I would in order to restore some balance to the short & long trade ideas listed on the site.  There’s nothing wrong with playing the trend or remaining long if you’ve caught a good percentage of this move.  Just don’t become complacent with your stops and be aware that the R/R to being long with many key sectors at multi-year resistance (until/unless those levels are taken out) is not favorable.  XLE, XLF, & XLK weekly charts below: