Here are the 60-minute charts of the major stock indices including some nearby price & trendline support levels which would offer objective long entries on pullbacks to (for those bullish) and/or objective short entries (or stop-loss levels for those long).

Note the recent stark underperformance between the cap-weighted (i.e.- top-heavy in the mega tech stocks) compared to “the stock market” i.e.-all of the other stock indexes including the equal-weighted S&P 500 (RSP) as well as the small (IWM) and mid-caps (MDY, not shown here) which all peaked back in March.

QQQ 60m June 18th

QQQ 60m June 18th

SPY 60m June 18th

SPY 60m June 18th

RSP 60m June 18th

RSP 60m June 18th

IWM 60m June 18th

IWM 60m June 18th