SLV (silver ETF) offers an objective long entry here at support and/or down to the 20ish support on this most recent divergent low at the bottom of the 8 month+ trading range. 60-minute chart below.

SLV 60m Feb 8th

SLV 60m Feb 8th

/SI (silver futures) also offers an objective long entry here at support and/or down to the 22ish support just below on this most recent 60-minute divergent low. Suggest stops somewhat below the 22ish support level on /SI & 20ish support level on SLV. Wider stops have the potential for larger loss if stopped out but also reduce the chance of having the position taken out on a stop raid/false breakdown. Ditto for stops based on 60-minute or daily close vs. any intraday move below a stop loss order.

SI 60m Feb 8th

SI 60m Feb 8th