Here’s the 60-minute chart of /NG (natural gas futures) which was highlighted as an objective (edit) long at the 1.70 support yesterday with the next objective add-on or new entry still to come on a break above the intersecting minor downtrend line & 1.77ish price resistance. Price targets remain the same although I’ve added one additional potential target around the 2.30 resistance level. /QG is the ticker for the MINY Nat Gas futures contract which trades at the same price as /NG (i.e.- the charts are identical) but uses a smaller multiplier (leverage factor).

NG 60m March 28th

NG 60m March 28th

For those that prefer exchange traded products over futures, here’s my 60-minute chart of UNG (natural gas ETN) with price targets (although best to align entries & exits on UNG with the futures, as that is what UNG is tracking.

UNG 60m March 28th

UNG 60m March 28th