SIL (silver miners ETF) first price target (T1) hit. Consider booking partial or full profits and/or raising stops if holding out for any of the additional targets. Updated daily chart below.

SIL daily March 4th

SIL daily March 4th


Likewise, GDX (gold miners ETF) has just hit the second price target (T2). Consider booking partial or full profits and/or raising stops if holding out for any of the additional targets. Updated daily chart below.

GDX daily March 4th

GDX daily March 4th


WPM (Wheaton Precious Metals Corp) has also just hit the third price target (T3) with a new target added at 44 (now T4 with previous T4 now T5). Also, note new downtrend line (resistance) added on the updated daily chart below.

WPM daily March 4th

WPM daily March 4th