Just wanted to get a quick update out. I’m still on vacation through Wednesday night and will post more comprehensive updates when I get back.

No changes to my outlook for the market and the correlated risk-on assets such as crypto. Although I wasn’t able to bring my laptop computer just checking on the phone I see that I missed a potential support level on the last QQQ chart that I posted before I left.

The Q’s are currently trading at that level which is the bottom of the August 9 – 10 qap around 317.

I don’t have the means or time to do a comprehensive review of the charts now to gauge how likely a balance is off that level or if we’re even going to get one but I’d say the odds are decent for reaction here followed by another leg down to my next targets in the coming days to weeks.

If I get back from the Keys early enough on Wednesday I’ll get some updates out if not update silver zoom is normal on Thursday morning, pre-market.