/NQ (Nasdaq 100 futures) went on to break down below the 15 & 60-minute bearish rising wedge patterns that were posted last night, triggering the next sell signal and objective short entry or add-on. The next objective short entries will come on either a bounce back towards the 15220ish former support, now resistance level on /NQ and/or on breaks below the next support levels below.

As per last night’s comments, any marginal new highs in the $NDX or $SPX soon will still be divergence highs and my “all in” short trigger remains solid breaks below the primary uptrend lines on AAPL & META (two of the big remaining market-leading tech stocks yet to break key support recently). Updated 15m (/NQ) & 60-minute (/NQ & QQQ) charts below.

NQ 15m July 6th

NQ 15m July 6th

NQ 60m July 6th

NQ 60m July 6th

QQQ 60m July 6th

QQQ 60m July 6th