MLP & Energy Sector Trade Ideas (video) Potential swing trade & investment setups in the energy sector including MLP’s & ETF’s. Playback speed can be increased using the setting icon at the bottom of the video to reduce the duration of the video. 02018-02-28T17:12:59-05:00Dec 11, 2017 11:00am|Categories: Gold & Commodities, Unofficial Long Ideas|Tags: AMGP, APA, APC, CHK, CLNE, CQP, CXO, DVN, EEP, EPD, ETE, ETP, GMLP, GPOR, KMI, LNG, MLPA, MLPG, MLPI, MLPX, MMLP, NFG, NGG, NWN, OGS, PAA, PXD, RRC, SR, SWN, TOT, UNG, WLL|Comments Off on MLP & Energy Sector Trade Ideas (video) Share this! (member restricted content requires registration) FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail