After the flurry of new trade ideas and updates that were posted over the last couple of days, I’ve burning the midnight oil since yesterday along with my programmer & it looks the improved features are up and running now.  Essentially, those wishing to receive email notifications of new posts made on Right Side of the Chart now have two options:

Continue to utilize (or sign up for) the current format as an unregistered user, whereby you simply submit your email address and click subscribe (or unsubscribe) or you can register in order to access various settings to control the format of each email notification as well as the ability to opt in or out of receiving notifications on specific categories such as market analysis; long-side trade setups, short trade setups; long-term trade (investment) ideas, gold & commodities, etc…

As far as the various format options now available to registered subscribers, you will continue to have the option to receive only an excerpt of each new post (without chart images) in Plain text format as well the ability to receive your email notifications in HTML format, which has a more polished finish including the ability to include the thumbnail images of the charts, which can be clicked on to open & view in full-size directly from your inbox.  There is also an option to receive the entire post or just a brief excerpt.

For those already subscribed to email alerts that are content with the current format, you do not need to take any action.  You will continue to receive Plain text emails containing a brief excerpt of each new post with a link back to the site to view the post in it’s entirety.  The subscribe/unsubscribe button has now been moved to the new Email Notifications page.  If you would like to try the enhanced features mentioned above or to read more about these options and view some sample images of the various formats, either click here or use the “Subscribe via email” link on the upper right-hand side of the home page to view the Email Notifications page.

Both services are free and do not require any personal information other than your email address.  The software for the enhanced features requires access to the site in order to personalize your email configurations, hence the need for registration.  Registration only requires you to provide your email address and choose a username.  A password will be sent to you in which you will use to access the site if you wish to change your email format & category preferences in the future.

On a final note, as with all new software and coding changes to a website, it may or may not take a little while to work out any bugs.  Therefore, you may decide to wait a few days before utilizing the new features, completely up to you.  As always, I welcome any feedback and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you experience any issues utilizing the new format.  I have also reinstated the “Subscribe in a reader” link, which allows you to receive new posts via an RSS feed reader… a very useful feature for the less active trader or investor who might want to periodically view a summary of new posts made on the site.  More on that to follow.