/NQ has triggered a sell signal triggered via a solid break & 60-minute close below the price channel (yellow trendline) with the 9110 support just hit where a bounce is likely followed by the next sell signal to come on a solid break & 60-min close below 9110 (which will most likely come next week).

NQ 60m 3 Jan 24th

NQ 60m 3 Jan 24th

Likewise, QQQ also triggered a sell signal with an impulsive break below the lower-most (BOD) trendline followed by a solid 60-minute candlestick close below. While the first decent support on QQQ comes in around 221, the odds for a bounce here as decent /NQ has just kissed the 9110ish support level. Bounce or no bounce, the breakdowns today have been impulsive which increases the odds they will stick (i.e.- not prove to be whipsaw signals) although we still have the big FAAMG stocks reporting over the next week or so starting on Tuesday after the market close.
QQQ 60m 3 Jan 24th

QQQ 60m 3 Jan 24th