far, this move up is very impulsive and has me wondering if that recent small break below the pattern on the SPX futures was a bear-trap as this move up today has been very strong so far and has already retraced most of the previous move down.  NQ still has some room to go before completely back-filling yesterday’s big move down but today’s action, so far, is more bullish than the usually snap-back move following an impulsive selling day like we had yesterday.  clearly, the central banks do not want to see any follow-thru to the breakdown in the EUR/breakout in the $USD, or anything that might stymie all of their extraordinary efforts to manufacture a recovery and restore confidence in stock market and credit markets.  the big question is whether or not there will be a net surplus of buyers over sellers hand over the baton to here soon, as they can’t keep their foot on the accelerator forever.  watching these patterns, as well as the current market and primary index 60 min charts but will probably not make any additional trades until at least tomorrow.