I was away on a short family vacation since Friday but I’ve been catching up on the charts today and plan to publish a few short video updates today. The videos will be broken down into the three themes that I continue to focus on heading into the year and likely well into 2015: The US equity markets; precious metals & miners; and commodities (specifically coal & select ag commodities at this time). I hope to have the first video published by noon ET today with the remaining updates to follow.
As my personal trading activity has been very light recently, focused mainly on my existing positions, there haven’t been many new trade ideas or updates posted lately. However, my plan is to start looking for some new trade ideas as soon as I update the existing trade ideas on the site. It has also been brought to my attention that the contact form (located under the “Resources” tab) is not functioning and I hope to have that fixed asap. Until then, feel free to contact me at randy at right side of the chart dot com (typed out as to prevent the spam robots that crawl the web from finding & using it).
-Randy Phinney