The UWMC (UWM Holdings Corp) swing trade has just hit the first price target (T1) for an 11% profit. Depending on your trading plan, consider booking partial or full profits and/or lowering stops if holding out for any or all of the additional targets Next sell signal to come on a solid break below the uptrend line. Previous & updated daily charts below.

UWMC daily Sept 19th

UWMC daily Sept 19th

UWMC daily Oct 4th

UWMC daily Oct 4th

UWMC was posted along with two other related mortgage stocks with my preference to short all three for a more diversified bearish bet on the sector. The RKT (Rocket Companies Inc.) sister trade is currently approaching its second price target (primary uptrend line) with a gain of about 12% since the Sept 19th entry. Previous & updated daily charts below.

RKT daily Sept 19th

RKT daily Sept 19th

RKT daily Oct 4th

RKT daily Oct 4th

It’s far from mere coincidence that my bearish bet (active short trade) on long-term Treasury bonds (i.e.- a bet on rising yields), including today’s big drop in TLT (spike in yields) closely mirrors the drop in these mortgage related stocks & helps to illustrate the catch-22 that the Fed has boxed itself into: Keep juicing an already strong economy & stock market near all-time highs with a rate cutting cycle & you cause long-term rates to rise in anticipation of stronger economic growth & inflation.