The UGAZ (3x bullish/long natural gas ETN) recent swing trade slightly undercut the suggested stop of any move below 28.23, two days after the trade was entered back on Feb 11th, resulting in a beta-adjusted* loss of 2% (or total, unadjusted loss of 6.6%).
- UGAZ 60-min Feb 11th
- UGAZ 60-min Feb 28th
Several updates to that trade have been made since then, including my reiteration of the bullish outlook for nat gas, particularly with the bullish 60-min & daily charts of /NG (nat gas futures) but I am posting this update in order to reassign this trade, along with the previous front page post, to the Completed Trades category. Periodic updates will continue on /NG as long as the chart remain constructive or there are any significant technical developments to note.
*In order to adjust for both the 300% leverage as well as the above-average price swings in nat gas, the suggested beta-adjusted position size on this trade was 0.30.