SSRI SIlver Standard Resources) has hit the final target, T3 at 9.18 (recently trading as high as 9.19 so far today) giving this trade a 42.3% gain since entry just over one month ago. Typical swing traders should consider booking full profits while longer-term traders or investors should at least raise stops if planing to hold out for additional gains.
While I remain longer-term bullish on the mining sector, this most recent trade on SSRI was based off the 60 minute time frame with T3 list as my final target as, although the stock may certainly continue to climb, the near-term R/R for typical swing traders is no longer favorable to remaining long at this time. With that being said, SSRI may be added back as another swing trade or possibly a Long-Term Trade idea in the near future should another objective entry in this silver mining stock develop in the coming days, weeks or months. Previous & updated 60 minute charts below:
- SSRI Trade Setup June 2nd
- SSRI breakout June 3rd
- SSRI 60 minute June 5th
- SSRI first profit target hit June 10th
- SSRI Second Target Hit June 19th
- SSRI Final Target Hit July 9th