PAA dailyPAA was one of the short trade ideas posted a week ago on Aug 7th that was providing an objective entry at the time.  Several of those trade ideas were covered in separate posts and I will try to update most of the others throughout the day, starting with the PAA daily chart (with target & notes) shown here.

For those signed up to receive email notifications of new posts, I will be suppressing the notification feature on most of those posts today so you might want to check the site throughout the day if interested in any of the trade ideas mentioned last week. Until we are able to move to a more powerful web hosting server soon, excessive email notifications will “trip the circuit breakers” on both the total number of email allowed per hour (typical thousands are sent out each day) as well as the maximum CPU allotment of the server, thereby risking a temporary shut-down of the site.

As traffic to the site continues to grow, we are starting to exceed the resource allotment for the web server that RSOTC is current hosted on.  As such, we will soon be upgrading to a more powerful but considerably more costly web hosting server.  RSOTC has been available as a free service since it was officially launched on January 1, 2012 and while all sections of the site (market analysis, trade ideas, etc..) will remain accessible to the general public for the remainder to the year, we will soon be accepting donations in order to help offset a portion of the programming & web hosting costs associated with running the site.  Any donations made will count towards future subscription services, which will likely be offered in 2014.  Thank your for your understanding in the matter.

-Randy Phinney