The NMO Active Growth & Income Trade idea looks to offer an objective entry or add-on here on this pullback to support and/or adding on a possible move down the the next support around 11.95. Keep in mind that the yield on the Nuveen Muni Opportunity Fund (another CEF) is lower than most of the other Growth & Income trade ideas because the interest on these bonds (passed through in the form of dividends of the fund) is exempt from most federal and some, (but not all) state income taxes. Therefore, all other things being equal, a longer-term trader or investor interested in some of the Growth & Income Trade ideas currently listed on the site might prefer to own NMO in a taxable account and some of the other higher-yielding, fully taxable CEF’s within a tax-deferred account such as an IRA (assuming that they don’t need to use the income). Updated weekly & daily charts:
- NMO weekly
- NMO daily