Posted by: rp on the 16th of Dec 2011 at 10:31 am

technically, this bounce could have plenty of room to go in both time in price.  however, i am beginning to scale back into that QQQ short that i closed at the lows on wed and will continue to add more lots as/if we go higher.  still long that DGP from wed but have a sell limit around .50c higher even though GLD also potentially has more upside.  also, still have plenty of other shorts closed on wed to scale back into but taking it slow for now.  my thoughts are that this rally will stop cold in it’s tracks just when it looks like it’s starting to get traction but i’m not willing the bet the farm on it yet.  if that changes, i’ll try to post what i see.  also, going to modify our vacation plans so will probably be able to trade more over the next couple of weeks although i usually try to avoid the last half of december unless the R/R looks good, which it just might this year.