I’m putting the finishing touches on creating a spreadsheet to track the performance of all trades posted here.  I plan to post the results of all trades on a monthly basis (an un-triggered set-up does not constitute a trade) .  Although I still have some tweaks to make to the spreadsheet, here are some of the highlighted trades that hit one or more targets in the month of January.  Keep in mind that many of these trades went on to hit a higher target(s) in February so they will also appear on the February Completed Trades Tracking Sheet once I complete it sometime this week.

Again, this is just an abbreviated list showing some of the more successful trades that met one or more of the previously posted price targets during the month of January although the vast majority of triggered trades went on to hit their price targets.  I plan to post a link to the entire spreadsheet which will show all trades, including the lower profit targets, if applicable, as well as trades that were stopped out for a loss.  Please share any feedback or suggestions that you might have as well as any possible errors that you notice.