As it’s getting late, I will finish updating the Trade Ideas category tomorrow or by the weekend. There are still many trades showing in the Active Trades category that should be moved to the Completed Trades section. For example, many of the gold stock shorts, including GDX, hit one of their lower targets or even their final targets several weeks ago. I had mentioned adding some of these as long candidates for a bounce off those levels but never did follow up with any posts. However, those charts are still useful for those trading the long side as the the former support and target levels should now act as resistance on the way up. In fact, GDX today failed on an attempt to close back within that large broadening top pattern from the daily to weekly time frame. I am not watching GDX and some of the other recent gold stock shorts for potential overbought-into-resistance pullback short trades.
Regardless, I will continue to work on re-categorizing the trades in order to clean up the Active Trades category during the remainder of the week. Hopefully, the improvements to the trade ideas lists that I mentioned earlier will be completed early next week as well.